The Phnom Penh PostTuesday, 15 September 2009 15:02 Nuth Un VoanraDear Editor,I am writing in response to an article in The Phnom Penh Post, “Cambodians testify in US” (September 11).First of all, three individuals are not enough to represent Cambodia. I question the composition of the so-called “panel of Cambodian witnesses” that testified at a hearing in Washington.A good panel should be a combination of representatives from different backgrounds, not just those that oppose the Cambodian government.How could one expect the hearing to give the fair view of the current situation in Cambodia when those who testified are only those who have strong views against the government? Constructive criticism is crucial to the strengthening of democracy in Cambodia, but a common Cambodian like myself could tell that one negative angle of Cambodia could do more harm than good. The truth should be heard at the hearing, unless the hearing only wants to hear otherwise.Unfair views of this country would repel quality investors who are the crucial catalyst in reducing poverty in this country. Not everyone can see it, but democracy and justice can only be achieved after poverty in this country is reduced.Poverty reduction will take longer without quality investors who get driven away by the wrong investment climate reflected in inaccurate reports.The world deserves to hear the facts about this country, and, clearly, the report from the hearing could at most produce only one angle.If the United States wants to teach Cambodia about democracy and justice, the United States shouldn’t show Cambodia the opposite.Nuth Un VoanraPhnom Penh--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Send letters to: or PO Box 146, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Post reserves the right to edit letters to a shorter length.The views expressed above are solely the author’s and do not reflect any positions taken by The Phnom Penh Post.


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