13 September 2009
By San Suwith
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

"...(Mu Sochua) is a traitor to her oath taken before she occupied her position as a Member of Parliament, she swore that she will not allow any foreign countries to disrupt, or to issue political orders both inside and outside the country..." - Phay Siphan, mouthpiece of the Council of Sinisters

Kampot SRP MP Mu Sochua indicated that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will send a high level US delegation to visit Cambodia in the near future. Furthermore, the US State Department will also review the ability of linking various conditions to aid provided by this Superpower to Cambodia.

Mrs. Mu Sochua made this statement one day after giving her testimony to the US Congress Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission (TLHRC), and after her discussion meeting with Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, on 11 September 2009. She indicated that Mrs. Clinton, the wife of former US President Bill Clinton, is always following up on the Cambodian MP’s situation.

Mrs. Mu Sochua indicated also that Mrs. Clinton accepted her request for the US to play a more active role than before in the review of human rights violations in Cambodia: “Following the testimony at the US Congress, as a member of Parliament who was victimized by the unfair sentencing from the Cambodia court, US Secretary of state Hillary Clinton allowed me to meet her. During the meeting, she immediately raised about the US special attention paid on my case, as well as on the current human rights situation in Cambodia. I asked Mrs. Clinton to send a high level delegation, led by the US special ambassador, set up by her when she came into office. Mrs. Clinton gave a positive answer to my request.”


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