The scene described by Ambassador Carol Rodley (Photo: DAP news)

US Ambassador Carol Rodley discussed democracy with the Cambodian gov’t

Following the observation on a number of concerning changes in the practice of democracy and the respect of human rights in Cambodia that shows an alarming sign of deterioration, Mrs. Carol Rodley, the US Ambassador to Cambodia, claimed that she met to discuss about these issues with high ranking Cambodian government officials.

Den Seyma is reporting from Phnom Penh:

Mrs. Carol Rodley, the US Ambassador to Cambodia, told Radio Australia through a translator, that following the US observation about a number of changes in the practice of democracy and the respect of human rights in Cambodia that shows an alarming sign of deterioration, in the name of the US government, she met to discuss with high ranking Cambodian officials about the deterioration and the backward move of democracy and the respect of human rights.

Nevertheless, she did not provide the details of her discussions, she only indicated briefly through a translator that the results of her meeting were fruitful and meaningful, and that the Cambodian government is paying attention.

Carol Rodley: “Following the World Teachers’ Day celebration on 05 October at the [Teachers’] association headquarters that was surrounded by several dozens of armed joint government police forces that are equipped with electric batons, shields, and tear gas rifles, as well as the closing of all roads to prevent people from joining the celebration, Mr. Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association, considered that the practice of democracy and the freedom of assembly to express any concern in Cambodia currently is dropping to less than zero. This is a sign of extreme concern.”

Rong Chhun: “Through Mrs. Carol [Rodley]’s effort to push for democracy and freedom rights form Cambodians, and even if there hundreds of obstacles, it does not mean that Cambodians should abandon their own effort [to push for democracy].”

Nevertheless, high-ranking Cambodian officials still claim that the respect of human rights, as well as democracy in Cambodia are moving forward smoothly and are continuously progressing from one legislative mandate to another. They claimed that the Cambodian government allowed the operation of thousands of organizations [NGOs] involved in democracy and human rights, and it also allowed them to operate freely without any restriction.


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