Cool music for the environment

Some of Thailand's best-known pop stars will be joined by some big names from Europe for a concert that aims to save the Earth.

The October 3 show, part of the EU Green Days initiative, features Tata Young, Tattoo Color, the Richman Toy, Yarinda Bunnag, Lomosonic, Lemon Soup, Scrubb, Buddha Holiday, Circle 22 and electronic wizard Andreas Tilliander from Sweden.

"I feel bad that our Earth is suffering. Global warming isn't an individual problem. It's something we need to come together to tackle," says Ball Torpong, a member of Scrubb.

In addition to the concert, the 11-day event will be packed with seminars, debates, exhibitions, children's workshops and music activities, offering a unique opportunity for exchanges of experience and good practice - and for reminding ourselves of the urgency of global action by December, when the next major conference is scheduled to take place.

Under the concept "What on Earth", the initiative will also campaign for Thai youth to pay greater attention to the global- warming crisis and work to save the Earth.

More than 6,000 people, including those involved in business and industry, media, non-governmental organisations, public authorities, diplomatic corps and academics, are expected to participate in the various events.


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