Mu Sochua (L) shaking hand with Hillary Clinton (R).
Source: Radio Free AsiaReported in English by KhmerizationSpokesman for the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) said the National Assembly denouncing Mrs. Mu Sochua's testimony at Tom Lantos Commission on human right conditions in Cambodia is an attempt to whitewash its bad act.After Mrs. Mu Sochua's testimony on 10th September, Cambodian parliamentary Commission of Foreign Affairs and Parliamentary Commission of Human Rights jointly issued a statement condemning Mrs. Mu Sochua. "(We) denounce Mrs. Mu Sochua's action for the testimony with the aim to confuse national and international public opinions", the statement said.Mr. Yim Sovan, SRP spokesman, said human right violations in Cambodia is not a secret thing. "The constitution states that there is a national congess, now we can hold this national congress to raise all these issues to see whether there any human right abuses or not? If the victims answered that there are human right abuses, the government should accept the truth and change its policies so that there won't be any more injustices in the Cambodian society like what we have seen", he said.On 10th September, opposition MP Mu Sochua, human right activist Pung Chiv Kek and labour campaigner Moeun Tola have testified at the U.S Congression's Tom Lantos Human Right Commission regarding human right conditions in Cambodia.Mrs. Mu Sochua sued Prime Minister Hun Sen for defamation and in turn was counter-sued by the Prime Minister. She has been ordered to pay pay 16 million riels ($8,5000 to Prime Minister Hun Sen after she lost a defamation court case which observers said was an unjust decision.Mr. Cheam Yeap, MP from the ruling Cambodian People's Party, said Mrs. Mu Sochua's case been proceeded through legal channels. "She had raised the issues of democracy being going backward. Secondly, she said the same thing about human right situations in Cambodia. And thirdly, she testified about the lifting of her parliamentary immunity. In fact, what we have done was all in accordance with the laws", he said.Mrs. Mu Sochua had met U.S Secretary of State Mrs Hillary Clinton after the testimony and said that Mrs. Clinton has promised to send a high powered delegation to Cambodia in the view of investigating human right conditions in the country to tie them to American aid.
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