SRP march on August 4, 2009 following the verdict handed down to Mrs. Mu Sochua (Photo: SRP)

Dear Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mrs. Mu Sochua, Dedicated Committees, All SRP’s Members and Supporters in Cambodia:

On behalf of the second generation Cambodian/American from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) we thank lord Buddha for you, your courage, tenacity and vigilance.

Since the deliberate attack to you, our members and supporters on August 4, 2009, Walk for Justice Rally in Phnom Penh with Mrs. Mu Sochua, you have been deployed around the world and have demonstrated that you can win psychological battle against the injustice governance system by the current unethical ruling government.

The effects of your courage on that liberation rally in Phnom Penh are reverberating throughout the world. In short, you have given rise to the bright light of liberty in places where darkness has reign Cambodia for generations.

More than 200 years ago. The first president of the United States, George Washington in his First Inaugural Address: "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." Now you are passing on that sacred fire to Cambodians and others throughout the region.

You Patriots --Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mrs. Mu Sochua, Committees, Friends, Families, Members and Supporters-- have plowed the ground for liberty. We remain proud because you have stood bravely in harm's way and remain on post today. For this, we, the Cambodian/American People, offer our heartfelt thanks in your dignity to our nation. Although we grew up and live in America, we committed to support for you and SRP every day 100%.

Today, although we are safe but we do not forget those who suffered behind.


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