Tea Banh (L) and Hun Manet (R), the general-son of Cambodia's Strongman Hun Sen. Local newspaper reported that the inexperienced young general will accompany Tea Banh to the US

US, Cambodia Defense Chiefs To Meet

By Taing Sarada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
18 September 2009

The Cambodian defense minister will meet with the US secretary of defense later this month, in the first such high-level meeting since the 1970s, officials said.

Gen. Tea Banh will meet with Robert Gates to strengthen relations between the two militaries, including an exercise for multi-national peacekeeping operations, Tea Banh told VOA Khmer by phone.

“The most important thing is we need to talk to each other, to understand each other on some points that we will complete together,” he said.

Tea Banh will lead a delegation from Sept. 18 to Sept. 23, according to the Cambodian Embassy.

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